GT Reading Test 19 Section 1 - Art Gallery & Advice to motorists

GT Reading Mock Test 19:

Section 1  |  Section 2  |  Section 3  |

Section 1: Questions 1-15

You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-15 which are based on the text below.

GT Reading: Art Gallery & Advice to motorists

Read the text below and answer Questions 1-6.

Questions 1-6

Read the following notice.

Using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS OR NUMBERS answer the questions below.

Write your answers in boxes 1-6 on your answer sheet.

Example: How much will it cost a student to see the Greek Olympic Sculpture?
Answer:  $6.00

1.  Which exhibition can you visit in late August?
2.  A student would like a headset for the Greek Olympic Sculpture. How much will it cost?
3.  Which exhibition shows the work of young people?
4.  How much must a member pay to see tine exhibition of art from the United States?
5.  In which location would you find the oldest exhibits?
6.  Which exhibit could a large group see most cheaply?


The Art Gallery’s mission is to bring diverse forms of art and craft to the people of this city.

New Year festivities: a multimedia exhibition from the four comers of the earth on show in the Hanson Theatre, Level 2, Main Building.
Opens January 1, closes March 20.

The art of the early West: American art of the westward expansion is on show in the South Gallery, Level 3.
$15 adults, $5.00 for members, $4.50 for students.
Opens March 13, closes June 30.

Greek Olympic sculpture: a historical exhibit of work by ancient artists is in the North Gallery.
$10 adults, $8.00 for members, $6.00 for students
Opens July 1, closes August 7.

Developmental art: work by gifted local school children on show in the East Gallery.
$2.00. Donations may be left in the box attheexit, and will be gratefully received
Opens July 25, closes September 30

Headsets are available for the Greek Olympic Sculpture only.
A fee of $6.00 per adult, $5 00 for members and $4 50 for students will be charged

Read the text below and answer Questions 7-15.

Questions 7-11

Read the extract below from the service directory of a Motorists’ Association.

Answer the questions by writing the appropriate extension numbers in boxes 7-11 on your answer sheet.

What extension should you call if:

Example:  you want to pay your bill by Visa card?
Answer:    344

7.  you want to find out about a baby’s car seat?
8.  you feel cheated by a repair shop near your home in Newcastle?
9.  you have trouble hearing and you need road service?
10.  you are going on a road trip and want to find out what activities are available?
11.  you want advice on purchasing a vehicle?

Call our main number 9292 9222 then call these extensions



All insurance enquiries 133


Credit card payments 344

Visa, Mastercard for membership and insurance policies (open 24 hours, 7 days)


Teleclaims   123

For motor vehicle claims (open 24 hours. 7 days)




Road Service 114

(open 24 hours, 7 days)



Alarm systems  554



(8 30 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday, 8.30 am to 11 Saturday) for road tests, car buying, advice and assistance on motoring problems. Local call charge


Child restraint enquiries   632


Recorded road report for major highways  222



(7am – 10 pm)

1 300 362 802



(8.30 am to 5 pm. Monday to Friday, 8.30 am to 11 Saturday)

Home Loan    701

Life Insurance  976

Personal Loans  978


(8 30 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday)


Sydney   191

Newcastle  132

Wollongong       132

Canberra    426



Repairs guaranteed for life,

(7.30 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday) 

Batteries    111


Local touring information and attraction tickets


Road Service  317

Insurance enquiries 728

Questions 12- 15:

Advice to motorists

A: Always lock your car and never leave your keys in the car. Sounds obvious, but how often have you left your car unlocked while you paid for fuel at a service station or dashed into a shop? A recently-passed law will ensure that you never forget again – heavy penalties apply.

B: Always lock valuables in the boot. Most car crime is opportunistic, so don’t make it easy. And if something is too valuable to lose, the golden rule is 'take it with you'.

C: Thieves need little incentive. A lot of thefts from cars are carried out by youngsters after nothing more than a few dollars, so don’t leave coin-holders if they can be seen from outside. The cost of repairs often far outweighs the value of what is stolen.

D: At night, always try to park in a brightly-lit area where your vehicle can be seen by passers-by. Poorly-lit streets are the thief’s favourite hunting ground.

E: Never park where you can see broken glass from car windows on the ground. Thieves are creatures of habit and will return to the scene of past successes.

F: Install a car alarm.

G: Where available, use car parks that are well lit and have boom gates. Don’t leave your parking ticket in the car.

H: In high-risk areas leave your glove box and ashtray open to show thieves that there is nothing in the car worth stealing.

I: Don’t buy goods offered for sale if the price seems suspiciously low. Chances are the goods have been stolen.

Questions 12-15

There are 9 paragraphs in the text 'Advice to motorists'.

Answer the questions 12-15 by writing the letter or letters of the appropriate paragraph or paragraphs, A-I, in boxes 12-15 on your answer sheet.

Which paragraph/ paragraphs -

Example:  Suggests you add extra equipment to the car?
Answer:  F

12.  advise you to leave your glove box and ashtray open show there is nothing to steal from the car?
13.  give advice about good places to park at night?
14.  warns about the effects of a new law?
15.  tells the reader how to protect valuable items?

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Umer Aawad
Cheap and free? How come they both are the same? Why the answer to question 9 is 317 and not 114? Can anyone explain? Thanks.
Jetha lal
Information for questions 7-11 are not well organized and take too much time in understanding the layout. Once you understand it, finding answers would be quick.
Confuse is "free", consider cheapest?
Answer 5: Greek Olympic sculpture.