Graph Writing # 12 - Consumer durables owned in Britain from 1972 to 1983

IELTS Academic Writing Task 1/ Graph Writing - Table:

» You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The table below shows the consumer durables (telephone, refrigerator, etc.) owned in Britain from 1972 to 1983.

Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below.

» You should write at least 150 words.

Consumer durables owned in Britain from 1972 to 1983

Sample Answer 1:
The table data represents information about the percentage of British households that had consumer products like TV, refrigerators, washing machines, telephones and so on between 1972 and 1983. 

Generally speaking, the most common consumer electronic item in Britain was televisions, whereas the least households owned dishwashers and video players.

As the data suggests, TVs and vacuum cleaners were highly popular in English families with their ownership percentages of 93 and 87 respectively in 1972. A similar ownership pattern for refrigerators and washing machines denotes their popularity during the period as well. Other household appliance ownership by English families increased during the given period and this rising trend was more significant for telephone and central heating machines. Videos were introduced in 1983, and only 18% of British families had them back then. A similar trend could be observed for the dishwashers – though they appeared in 1978, not more than 5% of British families possessed them in 1983

[ Written by Nooshi ]

Sample Answer 2:
The table data compares the electronic appliance ownership by British families from 1972 to 1983. 

In general, TV had always been popular among British citizens, and the dishwasher was the least common item during the given period.

As is observed from the given data, almost one-third households in Britain had central heating machines in 1972, and the percentage increased each year and reached to 64% in 1983 -  which shows that the central heating users almost doubled in just 12 years. Moreover, television was the most common household electronic consumer item as 93% families had them. This ration reached to 98 percent with slight increase year by year. However, the video was introduced in 1983 when only 18% houses had them. Besides, vacuum cleaners, refrigerators and washing machines were also common household appliances after TV. These three device were owned between 66 to 87 percent houseowners in 1972, and the percentages increased to over 90, except for washing machine with almost 80% wonership, a decade later. Interestingly, dishwashers were less popular as only 3 to 5 percent families possessed them. Finally, one four of ten families had telephones in 1972, and after 12 years almost 80% familied had telephone set at their homes.


Sample Answer 3:
The given table compares eight different consumer products possessed by the British between 1972 and 1983. As a whole, television was the most common item they were using during this period, while dishwasher, which was introduced in 1978, was the least popular durable product in the UK.

It can be seen that television and vacuum cleaner were those two devices consumed more than the other ones, from 1972 to 1983. About the former, it ranged from 93% to 98% and the latter from 87% to 95% ownership in Britain. Furthermore, the figures of both groups gradually rose.

In contrast, dishwasher and video were the least favourable durable during 1972 to 1983. 3% of British citizens began using the dishwasher in 1978, reaching the maximum of 5% in 1983. In addition, the video became a durable electronic device since 1983, and only 18% of these people used it. On the other side, usage of all of the other products, including washing machine, refrigerator, telephone or central heating steadily grew. In this case, the percentage for central heating had the greatest growth, rising from 33% in 1972 to almost twice in 1983. 

[ Written by - Rambod ]

Question: The table below shows the consumer durables (telephone, refrigerator, etc.) owned in Britain from 1972 to 1983.

Model Answer 4: 
The table data shows the percentage of British households which owned a range of consumer durables between 1972 and 1983. 

Overall, the ratio of British families owning those household appliances steadily increased between 1972 and 1983, and television was the most common household electronic items during this period while telephone ownership increased steadily. 

In details, the greatest increase in the electronic household item possession by the British families was in telephone ownership, rising from 42% in 1972 to 77% in 1983. Next came central-heating ownership, rising from 37% of households in 1972 to 64% in 1983. Moreover, the percentage of households with a refrigerator rose 21% over the same period, and with a washing machine by 14%. Households with vacuum-cleaners. televisions and dishwashers increased by 8%, 5% and 2% respectively. In 1983 - the year of their introduction - 18% of households had a video recorder. Besides, over the period, the proportion of British houses with central heating rose from one to two thirds, and of those with a phone from under a half to over three-quarters. Together with the big increases in the ownership of washing machines and refrigerators, they are evidence of both rising living standards and the trend to lifestyles based on comfort and convenience.

Sample Answer 5:
The given table shows data on households consumer items owned by British during the period of 11 years commencing from 1972. It is clearly visible that the percentage of households who owned consumer durables had seen a significant hike during this period. Television was most popular consumer item in this period while the dishwasher was the least common item.

In details, television, vacuum cleaner, refrigerator and washing machine were owned by more than three-quarter house owners in Britain during 1972 to 1976. In subsequent years, the percentage of households owning these items had increased gradually and more than 90% British owned these items at their home. For instance, refrigerators were owned by 73% households in 1972, which saw a steady increase in the coming years and reached up to 94% in 1983. A similar trend could be observed for washing machine.

On the contrary, central heating and telephones were owned by only one third and less than half of British households in 1972, but ownership of these items saw a steady increase too in later years and reached up to 64% and 77% respectively in 1983. Dishwashers were introduced in 1978 with 3% ownership and reached up to 5% in 1983, whereas, data for video is provided only for 1983 with 18% ownership in Britain.

[Written by – Tarun] 

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The table below illustrates the patronage of household electrical appliances of people living in Britain in eight different years.

Generally, it is noticeable from the table that television was the most popular gadget throughout the years, followed by refrigerators, vacuum cleaners and washing machines. It can be deduced from the data that dishwashers and video players were the least common items used in many households during the period.

It is observed from the table that television was the most popular device in Britain with 93% ownership in families in 1972, and it increased gradually throughout the years reaching a maximum of 98% in 1983. The next common electronic appliances were vacuum cleaners, refrigerators and washing machines which significant increases in English families throughout the years except for vacuum cleaners which had no record in 1983.

Interestingly, in 1972, 33% and 42% of households had central heating and telephone respectively, with both almost doubling in 1983. In contrast, dishwashers and video were the least found machines with only 3% having dishwashers in 1978 and reaching a maximum of 5% in 1983. However, video players was not common in most homes until 1983 with a percentage of 18.

Anindita Sarker
The table demonstrates the percentage of households with consumer durables for 12 years in Britain between 1972 and 1983. Eight varieties of consumer durables are given in the table.

According to the table, percentages of households with consumer durables have increased throughout 12 years - starting from 1972. Television, vacuum cleaner, and refrigerator were always popular in English households. Houses having telephone and central heating increased drastically in that period. The percentage of households owning telephone increased from 42% in 1971 to 77% in 1983, and there was a 27% increase in the household having central heating.

In comparison with other consumer durables, washing machines gained moderate popularity as there was only a 14% spike in percentages of households having a washing machine. The dishwasher was introduced in 1978 in Britain, and as per the data English households didn’t buy dishwashers as there was almost no increase in usage percentage in the first 5 years. Although the video didn’t exist before 1983, in the first year of the video's introduction, 18% of British households had it.

The chart illustrates the household items owned in Britain from 1972 to 1983. The items such as central heating, Television, Video, Vacuum cleaner, Refrigerator, Washing Machine, Dishwasher and Telephone were used in the chart to describe the details.

Among the consumer durables, the video only came into the English people in 1983 (18%). The dishwasher was another item which got used by British consumers from 1978 (3%) and usage stayed same in the next year, gradually increased one percentage in 1981 and reached the maximum of 5% in 1983.

Television was the most owned item regardless of the years. It was 93% in 1972 and dramatically increased from year to year and reached the peak of 98% in 1983. The products like vacuum cleaners and the refrigerators more or less showed the same number of ownership throughout the years except for the fact that there was no data of vacuum cleaners in 1983 (between 1972 to 1983 both showed percentage between 70 to 95 respectively).

In the case of Central heating and telephone, both came more popular from time to time. When central heating usage was 33% in 1972, and slowly hiked year to year and reached its top of 64%, telephone usage started with 42% in 1972 and reached its top eventually (77%) in 1983.

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Chirag Rathod
The table represents the eight different consumer durables such as central heating, television, etc. owned in Britain between the years 1972 to 1983. It is worth noticing that, each of the listed household product's use increased gradually from the previous year, but the most popular household product was television.

The central heating initially started with 33 per cent of households in the year of 1972 which gradually increased to almost double. ie, 64 per cent by the year 1983. Television was most popular in the year 1972 which had 93 per cent of households in the year 1972 and which increased very slowly to 98% by the year 1983. The vacuum cleaner had been owned by 87% of households in 1972 which in 1982 became 95%.

On the other hand, in the year 1983, video players were introduced with 19 per cent ownership in Britain. The refrigerator, washing machine and telephone had started with 73%, 66% and 42% of households respectively where the refrigerator took second place with 94 per cent of households in the year 1983. The introduction of dishwashers started in the year 1978 with only 3 per cent of households which went up to 5 per cent by the year 1983.

Fariha Nasir
I hate this table description. The values are so confusing and easily can get mixed with.
The data gives information regarding the consumer durable ownership in Britain from 1972 to 1983. Generally Speaking, almost all of the households owned a television throughout the study period and the least percentages of those families owned dishwashers. Initially, 93% British families owned television in 1972 and this figure increased by 5% after 11 years. Meanwhile, Vacuum cleaner possession in Britain was 87% and it went up by 8% in 1982. However, no data was recorded for the following year, i.e. 1983. Furthermore, one-third families used central heating. This is almost one-third of the ownership of the television. Nonetheless, it increased steadily to 64% in 1983. Refrigerators and washing machines, on the other hand, had recorded identical figures on their ownership in every year. 73% families in 1972 possessed them and it went up to 94% after 11 years. Finally, Video did not have information recorded until 1982 and so as the dishwasher from 1972 to 1976. The latter, however, owned by the lowest percentages of families throughout the 11 year period. Telephone owned household's percentage was 42% initially and it ended up with 77% ownership in 1983.
The given table data compares the use of various household electrical devices over a period of 11 years in Britain. Overall, the use of these consumables had increased during the given period except for the vacuum cleaners. In 1972, the most used electronic item was television, and its use rose gradually to 98 per cent by 1983. The vacuum cleaner was the second most popular consumable in 1972 (87%) which had a fluctuating pattern of use in the following years. However, the use of it got wiped out in 1983. The use of refrigerator and washing machine followed the identical trend of use from 1972 to 1983, which was 73 and 94 per cents respectively. Likewise, the least used consumer durables in 1972 were telephone (42% ownership) and central heating (33% ownership) grew up constantly throughout the consecutive years ending at 64% and 77% respectively. By 1983, the video players came into use and around 18% of the houses had it. Interestingly only 5% of the households had dishwashers at that time. To summarise, it is evident that televisions, refrigerators and washing machines were the most used consumer durables among British throughout the years.